Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Two blogs in one day, i must be on a role. I'm writing this because I feel like someone I considered a close friend is moving away from me. We only hung out outside school on occasion because of some parental issues, but now she's doing things with our mutual friends and not even thinking to invite me. It hurts a bit, especially when I make the effort to invite her even when I know she probably wont come. Its the thought that counts. Is it all because you didn't end up going out with "him"? Is that what you've ended our friendship over? I've always sensed that I was a bit of a second class friend just because I wasn't in NHS or didn't go to LIS or something. I didn't know what it was but there was always something there that seemed to hold her away from me. We bonded over things and I'm sad to see this friendship dwindle. Our texting still feels like it always did but now she's off doing things with our friends and I wouldn't even hear about it if it weren't for Twitter or another friend who mistakenly asked if I was going along on the plans. I informed him I wasn't invited and he felt bad. I hope that she doesn't realize what she's doing or that there's a reason other than she doesn't want to be friends anymore. I miss her.

1 comment:

  1. You're very right. I talked to saumalu about it too and I agree with both of you. No one makes me laugh at bad things like you. Thanks for that. I appreciate it more than you may know.
